

Get local guide to show you around while in Siem Reap, Cambodia.

By Shield

September 09, 2024

Getting a local guide to show you around in Siem Reap, Cambodia, can significantly enhance your experience, especially when exploring the ancient temples of Angkor, local markets, and cultural sites. Here’s how you can go about finding a local guide:

1. Hotel and Accommodation Recommendations

Most hotels, guesthouses, and hostels in Siem Reap have connections with certified local guides. Upon arrival, you can ask your hotel to recommend a trusted guide for the Angkor temples or city tours. They often offer packages for different lengths of time, including half-day or full-day tours.

2. Online Booking Platforms

Websites like GetYourGuide, Viator, and TripAdvisor allow you to book local tours and guides in advance. These platforms provide user reviews and ratings, helping you choose a knowledgeable and friendly guide.

3. Tourist Information Centers

Siem Reap has a few tourist information centers where you can find brochures or get recommendations for certified local guides. These centers often work directly with the Ministry of Tourism, ensuring you get reliable guides with knowledge of the area’s history and culture.

4. Certified Angkor Guides

For the Angkor Archaeological Park, it’s essential to hire a licensed guide to truly understand the rich history and symbolism of the temples. You can hire a guide at the Angkor Guide Association office or near the ticketing booth. These guides are trained to give detailed historical and cultural insights.

5. Local Experiences Apps

Apps like Airbnb Experiences and Klook offer local experiences led by native Cambodians. These can range from city tours, cultural workshops, to off-the-beaten-path adventures.

6. Private Tuk-Tuk Guides

Another common option is to hire a local tuk-tuk driver who also doubles as a guide. Many tuk-tuk drivers are familiar with the temples and local attractions and can provide a more flexible and personalized experience. Be sure to negotiate the price and itinerary before starting the tour.

Having a local guide in Siem Reap can enrich your experience by giving you insider knowledge about Cambodian history, culture, and the hidden gems of the city.