How to look at people to build deeper understanding and connection

When looking at people, it's helpful to approach it from multiple perspectives to build deeper understanding and connection. Here are a few ways to look at people:

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1. With Empathy: Try to see the world through their eyes. Everyone has a story, struggles, and motivations that shape their actions. Empathy allows you to connect more deeply and avoid judgment.

2. With Curiosity: Instead of making assumptions, remain open and curious about who people are. Ask questions and listen actively to their responses to understand their unique experiences and perspectives.

3. With Acceptance: Recognize that people are different, and that’s okay. Embrace diversity in personality, opinions, and behaviors. Acceptance fosters respect even when you don’t agree.

4. Focusing on Values: Look beyond superficial traits like appearance or status, and try to understand someone’s values, intentions, and character. These are often more important indicators of who a person is.

5. Without Judgment: Try to withhold judgment, as you may not always know the full context of someone’s behavior or situation. Give people the benefit of the doubt.

By focusing on a person's mindset and character rather than surface-level factors, you may form more meaningful connections, which aligns with your emphasis on the importance of mindset.